GLOBAL International Professional Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (GLOBAL) is the premiere Evaluation and Examination Association which is highly recognized worldwide for evaluating and examining Professional Beauty School and upgrading the standard of the beauty industry

In order to be awarded the Diplomas, the candidates must pass both the theory and practical examination. GLOBAL International Diplomas are awarded as a result of achieving the recognition with the holding of professional international qualification in a particular subject or practicing field. This comprises of 3 categories – Ordinary, Merit & Honors

The GLOBAL school examiner and GLOBAL international examiner will sign on the Diplomas on the last day of the examination stated. The candidate will be receiving their diplomas during the graduation ceremony held soon after the examination.

It is compulsory for the examiner to be photographed with the candidate holding the global diploma as a witness of the examination the candidate has gone through with a pass.

This practice is to prevent future claims from other sources of fake diplomas.